Harford County’s fiscal 2025 budget went into effect July 1 with numerous changes to local officials’ salaries. The following is a rundown of how much the county’s top officials are paid and what is taken into consideration when salaries are set in the budget each year.

Office of the county executive 

The salary of Harford County Executive Bob Cassilly is set in the Harford County charter and can only be changed through a charter amendment. All charter amendments are subject to referendum, which allows county voters to vote in favor or against proposed charter amendments.

Cassilly manages numerous department heads who oversee the county’s day-to-day operations. Cassilly, in partnership with the director of administration, sets and approves salaries for the department heads based on qualifications and competition with neighboring jurisdictions.

“Department head salaries are determined with the goal of keeping them competitive to retain and attract highly qualified leaders,” said the county’s Public Information Officer Matt Button. “We review salaries in other counties and try to remain competitive because the county executive takes into account longevity with the county as we benefit from retaining highly experienced leaders.”

The salaries for county officials set for fiscal 2025 compared to last fiscal year are as follows:

County Executive Bob Cassilly

FY24 — $165,557
FY25 — $171,106

Director of Administration

FY24 — $164,836
FY25 — $167,484

Director of Procurement

FY24 — $142,100
FY25 — $144,521


FY24 — $172,871
FY25 — $175,600

County Attorney

FY24 — $164,836
FY25 — $167,484

Director of Planning and Zoning

FY24 — $140,111
FY25 — $142,512

Director of Human Resources

FY24 — $149,591
FY25 — $159,641

Director of Housing and Community Services

FY24 — $142,100
FY25 — $144,521

Director of Information and Communication Technology

FY24 — $151,094
FY25 — $153,605

Director of Emergency Services

FY24 — $167,475
FY25 — $175,225

Director of Inspections, Licenses and Permitting

FY24 — $139,080
FY25 — $141,471

Director of Public Works

FY24 — $183,234
FY25 — $186,066

Director of Parks and Recreation

FY24 — $133,929
FY25 — $136,268

Director of Economic Development

FY24 — $139,080
FY25 — $141,471

Harford County Sheriff’s Office

Sheriff Jeffrey Gahler is responsible for primary law enforcement in the county, the courts and the detention center. His salary is set by state law, based on jurisdiction size and responsibility.

The responsibilities and size of Harford County Sheriff’s Office are most comparable with the Charles County Sheriff’s Office whose sheriff is paid the same amount as Gahler.

In 2016 — two years after Gahler took office — he contracted an independent management group to conduct a study to evaluate the sheriff office’s employee compensation to the market. The findings and recommendations from the study were based on salary survey results, current organizational structure, review of job duties as presented in the descriptions, and internal and external equity considerations.

The study also looked at pay offered at:

• Anne Arundel County Detention Center

• Anne Arundel County Police

• Baltimore County Detention Center

• Baltimore County Police

• Charles County Sheriff’s Office

• Harford County Government

• Howard County Police

• Frederick County Detention Center

• Howard County Detention Center

• Maryland Division of Corrections

• Maryland State Police

• Montgomery County Detention Center

• Montgomery County Police

• Prince George’s County Detention Center

• Prince George’s County Police

Gahler stated that the study showed both sworn and civilian personnel of the sheriff’s office were significantly underpaid in comparison to the other jurisdictions that they compete with for recruitment and retention. To avoid falling behind other jurisdictions, salaries for employees of the Harford County Sheriff’s Office are based on the results of the most current independent Classification & Compensation System Study, completed by Management Advisory Group Intl., Inc.

Gahler uses the study recommendations to prepare his funding request to the county, during each budget.

“Maintaining competitive salaries for Harford County Sheriff’s Office personnel is essential,” Gahler said. “Without the ability to attract and retain quality staff, the services provided to the community could suffer, leading to decreased public safety, lower morale among deputies and civilians, and a potential increase in turnover rates.”

Salaries of the top officials for the Harford County Sheriff’s Office and the State’s Attorney’s Office for fiscal year 2025 are as follows:

Harford County Sheriff

FY24 — $202,199
FY25 — $202,199

Chief Deputy

FY24 — $218,566
FY25 — $220,752


FY24 — $208,853
FY25 — $210,942

Budget Director

FY24 — $147,867
FY25 — $147,867

Director of Legal Affairs

FY24 — $173,576
FY25 — $173,576

Community and Legislative Director

FY24 — $122,034
FY25 — $122,034

Human Resources Director

FY24 — $137,280
FY25 — $137,280

Public Information Director

FY24 — $111,946
FY25 — $111,946

State’s Attorney Allison Healy

FY24 — $181,333
FY25 — $191,333

Chief of Administration

FY24 — $149,577
FY25 — $152,073

Harford County Public Schools 

The salary for the superintendent of Harford County Public Schools, Sean Bulson, is set by a contract with the Harford County Board of Education.

“Salaries for senior staff members of Harford County Public Schools are set at a level to remain competitive with other school systems in the state,” Bulson said. “This allows us to attract and retain the best and most qualified candidates.”

Bulson noted that Haford’s central office operates with one of the lowest per-pupil funding costs in the state.

Last year’s salaries for top Harford school officials are as follows:

Superintendent: FY24 — $256,000

Chief of Administration: FY24 — $219,296

Assistant Superintendent of Operations: FY24 — $188,247

Executive Director of Facilities Management: FY24 — $185,465

Director of Transportation: FY24 — $174,742

Assistant Superintendent for Business Services: FY24 — $185,465

Director of Budget: FY24 — $177,363

Director of Finance: FY24 — $177,363

Director of Organizational Development: FY24 — $175,660

Coordinator of Northstar — a college and career readiness program — and School Performance: FY24 — $127,953

Supervisor of Equity and Cultural Proficiency: FY24 — $134,658

Manager of Communications: FY24 — $137,829

Manager of Family and Community Partnerships: FY24 — $132,477

Manager of North Star Research and Program Evaluation: FY24 — $140,586

Supervisor of Safety and Security: FY24 — $143,560

Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources: FY24 — $185,465

Director of Staff and Labor Relations: FY24 — $178,242

Director of Strategic Initiatives: FY24 — $174,742

Supervisor of Accountability: FY24 — $137,103

Executive Director of Curriculum: FY24 — $177,363

Executive Director of Secondary Schools: FY24 — $180,024

Director of Secondary School Instruction: FY24 — $174,742

Director of Middle School Innovation (grant): FY24 — $172,160

Executive Director of Elementary School Performance: FY24 — $180,024

Director of Elementary School Instruction and Performance: FY24 — $178,242

Executive Director of Student Support Services: FY24 — $180,024

Director of Special Education: FY24 — $172,160

Director of Health and Wellness (grant): FY24 — $172,160

Board Attorney: FY24 — $186,224