Marylanders are experiencing high-cost electric bills and increased transmission work that directly impacts the district I represent. Maryland is forced to continue importing more electricity via disruptive and, in some cases, intrusive overhead transmission lines. This is why I am introducing H.B. 1329: Public Utilities – Energy Generation and Transmission.

The reason for this bill is to address the energy crisis that Marylanders find themselves in after years of state and federal energy policies that primarily focused on wind, solar and battery storage that are intermittent renewable energy resources. Excessive regulations have caused 24/7 base load plants to retire early with no viable replacements.

Maryland needs base-load natural gas generation projects to connect to the grid at a rapid pace to avoid loss of electricity and to help stabilize pricing. Many have been warning the legislature that our state needs to secure our own supply of electricity and decrease our dependency on other states. PJM and NERC — the North American Electric Reliability Corporation — have been warning about the risks to our bulk power system due to early closures of 24/7 base load generation.

Now Marylanders are experiencing high-cost electric bills and could experience service interruptions and blackouts. But we can change that trajectory with this legislation.

Maryland needs to generate its own electricity with resources like natural gas plants and SMRs — small modular reactors — which would bring reliable clean nuclear energy to the state. SMR technology is expected in the next 8 to 10 years and large-scale nuclear projects have 10-to-15-year lead timeframes due to permitting. Natural gas generation plants can be completed in four to six  years, providing stability to our grid more quickly.

H.B. 1329 will allow investor-owned electric companies or electricity suppliers to construct, acquire or lease and operate their own energy-generating facilities in Maryland. They are required to obtain a certificate of public convenience and necessity or commission approval for the construction of the generating system.

As this bill points out, private businesses are welcome, but I also felt it important to open up the ability for utility companies as well because they are currently invested in Maryland which is beneficial to Marylanders because they know the industry, can acquire the capital to invest and can expedite the construction process. I see this as an all-hands-on-deck approach. The state should be looking for any and every opportunity to build new generation in the state.

The bill also includes support for the development of additional nuclear energy in Maryland.

It also encourages PJM to provide expedited interconnection processes for new thermal generation resources.

Furthermore, I am a proud cosponsor of H.B. 1451, the Climate Solutions Affordability Act of 2025. This bill will roll back the Climate Solutions Act, repeal the EmPOWER Maryland tax and restore our ability to generate affordable, reliable energy.

The House Republican Caucus has introduced legislation to address the energy crisis as well that I have cossponsored.

H.B. 1217 — Natural Gas Generating Facilities — authorizes the construction, permitting and operation of natural gas generating facilities in the state until the state meets 50% of its energy needs from renewable energy resources and requires the Maryland Energy Administration to work with the owners and operators of natural gas-generating facilities to decrease the production of energy from natural gas after the state meets 50% of its energy needs from renewable energy resources.

H.B. 1218 — Construction and Expansion of Transmission Lines and Task Force to Develop a Realistic Electricity Plan for Maryland — will establish a task force to study and make recommendations on the state’s current and future electricity needs under various scenarios and will prohibit the Public Service Commission from approving the construction or expansion of transmission lines in the state from July 1, 2025, through May 1, 2026. It also requires the task force to report its findings and recommendations to the governor and the General Assembly by Dec. 31, 2025.

As we move forward with these important issues, I am both honored and excited to be here in Annapolis serving each of you.

Del. Teresa E. Reilly represents District 35A and is chair of the Harford County delegation.