When the new school year begins Sept. 3, Harford County Public School students will be allowed to bring cellphones to school, but only high schoolers will be allowed to carry them throughout the school day.

Students in elementary and middle school must deactivate their devices and keep them stored in a backpack or a locker throughout the school day. All students are allowed to use their devices before and after school as well as on school buses. Wearable devices such as smartwatches must be deactivated during school hours.

High school students cannot have devices visible during the school day and are required to deactivate them during instructional time; however, high school students — unlike elementary and middle schoolers — may use their devices during lunch.

All students are prohibited from using their devices to photograph, shoot video or record audio inside schools.

The cellphone policy was set by the Harford County Board of Education in March and follows a growing conversation across the country about appropriate cellphone use in schools.

Nine Baltimore County schools have opted into a pilot program requiring students to lock cellphones in pouches during instructional time. More schools are expected to participate next year once the effectiveness of the program is reviewed.

A majority of the school systems in Maryland are working to revise and implement cellphone policies that address the interruptions and behavioral challenges teachers and school staff have said are caused by the devices.