On Saturday morning, our parents’ restaurant, Wargo’s, experienced a fire. Thankfully, due to the swift response of several local volunteer firemen, it was contained to the kitchen. Our parents, Brenda and Andy, could not be more grateful for the help that arrived within minutes of the call.

As time went on that morning, a constant stream of texts filled our mom’s phone. At some points, we think she was more emotionally taken aback by the texts than the fire itself, as her eyes would fill with tears while reading them. Our dad took a calm stance as he walked the premises and assessed the damage. Our community’s outpouring of support definitely tempered the sting of what happened that morning.

Phone calls came in. Staff showed up and rolled up their sleeves to help. Customers came by to check in and see if everyone was okay. Facebook posts made by the local fire departments received numerous comments of love and support to our parents and staff, and they expressed their love of Wargo’s itself.

Just days later, we’ve found that groups in the community have reached out to their own to support Wargo’s with fundraisers and other means of supporting the restaurant’s return. This is phenomenal and it brings our family to tears. Thank you.

It’s these gestures that make us all feel better and grateful about where we live and the people we know. Thank you so much for lifting up our parents during this time — you’ve made it significantly easier for them. The three of us couldn’t be more pleased with how we see them dealing with this situation with patience and clear minds — thanks to all your help, your thoughtful words and your actions of kindness. To our wonderful community, thank you so much for your love and your support of Wargo’s. We know our parents will open the restaurant’s doors to you again as soon as they can.


Kerry Wargo Clough, Dana Wargo Santilli and Kimberly Wargo